Laxmi Pratisthan established 2 libraries in the community schools in Anekot, Kavre on 14th Sept,2010. The 2 schools are Bhakram Devi Secondary School and Bal Prativa Lower Secondary School.

The inauguration programme of Bhakram Devi Library amid the presence of the Patron and the foundation members.

Students of the school reading enthusiastically after the inauguration programme.

The Patron of the foundation Mrs. Laxmi Gautam presenting books to the Chairman of the Steering Committee of Bal Prativa Lower Secondary School, Mr. Ravi Chandra Tiwari, as a part of inauguration programme of Bal Prativa Library.

The local football team of children was also presented with football on the same day.

In the evening, there was Documentary Show including the awareness oriented programs and activities.
आदरणीय दयालु महानुभावज्युहरु, विश्वमानै बिरलै घट्न जाने यस्तो क्रुर घटनाबाट सफर गरिरहेको म, मेरो परिवार अनि लक्ष्मी प्रतिष्ठानलाई र यसको मर्मलाई सबैले बुझ्नु होला/ यस प्रतिष्ठानले यस्तो परिस्थिमा पनि डटेर समाज रुपान्तरको प्रयाशलाई अगाडी बढाउदै यति थोरै समयमा पनि यति धेरै काम गरेको हेर्दै हामीलाई मद्दत गर्नुहोश/ हामीलाई धेरै भन्दा धेरै रकम सहयोगको खाचो छ/ सहयोग गरी हाम्रो योजना अगाडी बढाउन मद्दत गर्नुहोश ,बाँकि जानकारी यो प्रतिष्ठानको वेव पेजमा र कार्यहरु ब्लगमा हेर्नुहोला
ReplyDeleteDear friends and well wishers, Laxmi Pratisthan is born in abnormal circumstances after losing 2 sons in different accidents in one of the rarest incidents on earth. We have decided to come ahead with positive approach and contribute the society by transforming this unprecedented grief into energy which enabled us to carry out many charitable activities in this short period of time. Please visit us in our website www.laxmipratisthan.org.np and our blog and evaluate our works. We need your help to continue our mission for the social transformation of the underprivileged communities. Please support us for the noble cause.